
How To Clean A Pool Filter With Muriatic Acid

How to Clean a Pool Filter

The filter in your swimming puddle captures and removes dirt and droppings, hair, dead bugs. It even skims out finer particles like bacteria, sunscreen, and body oils. Over time, the folds in the filter become chock-full, which prevents water from flowing through easily and increases force per unit area inside the filter. The college the pressure level, the less water volume your pump is going to be able to move considering information technology'due south working harder. The harder your pump has to work, the shorter its life will be.

On top of keeping the pool h2o clean, the filter also makes sure pool chemicals are distributed evenly. Your hard-working filter needs the same attending yous give the rest of your pool to assist information technology run longer and more than efficiently. This will, in turn, salve you money, free energy and time.

There are three types of filter systems: D.E. (diatomaceous earth), sand, and cartridge. D.E. filters are the almost efficient, as they tin can trap particles as pocket-size as 3-5 microns. To put that in perspective, the smallest the naked eye can see is 35 microns.

Many DIY folks turn to trisodium phosphate (TSP) and muriatic acid to make clean their puddle filters. Both TSP and muriatic acid are toxic and require you to wear protective rubber gloves, goggles and a mask when cleaning.

Unproblematic Green All-Purpose Cleaner is ambitious on heavy soils and greasy residue, but gentle enough to clean filters without harming the material. The biodegradable* formula won't leave behind harmful residue to circulate into your pool water.

Information technology's best to clean your filter in one case a month during summer and every other calendar month in the winter (if y'all're still running your pool).

Directions for Cleaning a Pool Filter:

Although cleaning with Simple Green does not crave y'all to habiliment gloves, you lot may want to hither so you lot don't contact any your filter may have sucked upwardly.

  1. Plough off the pump. Turn off the entire pool pump and filtration system.
  2. Release air. Plow the air relief valve (unremarkably located on summit of the filter) slowly to release pressure from the filter.
  3. Drain filter tank. Adhere a aftermath hose to the waste or aftermath port. Turn the multiport valve to Aftermath. Allow the tank to drain until information technology's empty.
  4. Remove the top. Employ a wrench or pliers to open up upward the clamp handle, then take the pinnacle of the compartment off. Be careful not to harm the seal gasket, or O-ring, when doing this. Bank check your owner's manual if you're unsure about this pace.
  5. Remove the filters. Advisedly take the filter unit out of the tank. Then remove the individual filters and lay them flat on some grass.
  6. Mix your Elementary Greenish solution. In an empty spray bottle, mix 2 ½ cups of water with ¼ loving cup of Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner. If it's been a while since yous last cleaned your filters (or if you lot've never cleaned your filters), you can mix 1 ½ cups of water with 1 ½ cups of Elementary Green.
  7. Employ solution. Thoroughly coat each filter in your Simple Green solution, making sure to spray between the pleats.
  8. Soak. Exit your solution to soak your filters for most 10 minutes.
  9. Clean the filter housing. While soaking, employ the same Simple Green solution to spray downwards the inside and outside of the filter housing. Rinse with your garden hose.
  10. Scrub cartridge. After 10 minutes of soaking, look a bit of loose foam on the surface for a short fourth dimension. Gently scrub whatever particularly gunky areas with a soft bristle brush, taking care not to tear the filter.
  11. Rinse filters. Starting at the tiptop and spraying down, rinse each filter with a hose.
  12. Lubricate the O-ring. Apply a lubricant to continue it in good status. If it's dry-rotted, cracked, or looks worn out, y'all should supplant it.
  13. Supercede the cleaned filters. Secure the filter back in its housing, so supercede the summit and close the clamps.
  14. Turn information technology back on. Turn your arrangement back on and make sure the air relief valve is yet open up. Go on it open up until a steady stream of h2o sprays from it, then you can close it.
  15. Bank check pressure level. Check the arrangement pressure estimate to be sure information technology'southward in the normal range. If the PSI is off, you may accept replaced the filter incorrectly. Take notation of the new pressure and then you lot'll know when it'southward time to make clean the filter again (when the pressure increases past eight-10 PSI).
  16. Rinse grass. Spray down the expanse y'all were cleaning in simply to further dilute the Simple Green in the grass.

Don't worry if you see a small amount of loose suds across the top of your puddle for the next twenty-four hours or so – this is rubber for swimmers and information technology will dissipate.

* Biodegradable formula: This formula decomposes into elements institute in nature within six months after disposal into a typical sanitary sewer or septic organisation.

How To Clean A Pool Filter With Muriatic Acid,


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